Wednesday, June 3, 2009

TOW done, broken spokes and Wimbleball

The Tour of Wessex is in the bag and I really enjoyed taking some time out with my mate Paul. However, it did mean that I was struggling for the rest of the week and on an hours run on the Wednesday, in the first 200m my heart rate was 180 and I just could not breathe for toffee! 

I have to admit I was a tad worried. I did work through it and I came out the other side, thankfully. By the end of the week I was running hard and I bagged another 60 miles with friends, out to Shearwater and back, it was good. I defo felt the tour on the climbs, I felt strong, hitting most of the climbs in the big ring, something the other riders could not do.

However, on the Tuesday I needed to go out and ride an hour, but ping! Yes one of front spokes jumped out of the ring - NO! It meant a long walk home and a phone call to Ian Chard, the bike doctor. I spent an evening in a bad mood and then a ride in car to Ian on the Wednesday for him to sort it for me. 'No worries, it'll be fine' he said - I hope so, I trust him with the life on my bike, but the same thing happened this time last and I ended up riding my training wheels at Wimbleball.

Talking of Wimbleball, it's only a week and a half till my 'B' race of the season. I'm looking forward to it. I was asked to play cricket this evening, but I turned it down. If I picked up an injury, like I did playing Hockey in January for the staff, I'd feel so bad for my sponsors and I just can not justify my action to them. The faith that they have put in me, it just would not be fair to let them down like that.

I'm looking forward to Wimbers, it'll be fun. It's not long now, I'm in a tapering madness, I say.

Train hard, taper softly.


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