We out here in the sand and it's hot! Well, actually it's really hot over 40 everyday! I've been out running a number of times during the day time and it's meant that I'm now getting used to the heat when walking round, but I'll tell you it's hard work the train during it at the moment.
Sarah and I have started the new job and the guys we're working with seem really nice and I'm looking forward to having a good crack with them. The apartment is pretty cool too and we've been really lucky to be placed in one which has two bedrooms, nice. I'm hoping to make contact with a couple of guys reference to racing out here and esp bike training near Nal a Sherba.
It was great to see Gil and Nat last week on their way back to UK from Kenya and we had a wicked time at Wild Wadi. Some of the slides were cool and it was super fun.
All our boxes have arrived last night. It was great to see them again. I gave the bikes a quick over and they seem okay, even if one of the bike boxes have been damaged, so I think I'm going to claim for that. But the new Bike Box Alan stood up fine and I was pleased with it's performance.
It's Wednesday here today and that means that we've only got Thursday left before the weekend. It's going to be odd having a whole weekend off as well as finishing work at 2pm each day as it's Ramadan at the moment. I'm going to post some more pictures etc later on.
Right I've got to get on with some work.
Take care.