Saturday, February 5, 2011

IMSA, Vegas and Hawaii

I'm well into my training for Ironman South Africa, hence the fact that I've been crap at keeping up to date with my blog. At the moment I'm logging about 24/5 hours a week training and I have to say that while I'm enjoying it, I'm also hating it. I have never trained so hard in my life, every session is pressurized, which is good but it takes it toll. The other week I read 30km of the Dubai marathon, I bagged that in 2hours 5mins, 4.10pkm and then yesterday I smashed 180km on the bike in 4hours 55mins, however the down side is I am starting to fatigued, I've lost almost 6kgs since Christmas and I've got to keep an eye on that as I don't want to be going to low to quickly as my power will really suffer. I've got myself a bike fit thanks to Toby at and my new race kit has been delivered its very cool and I'm looking to forward to wearing in my coming races locally before we head out to South Africa.

I've also heard as of this weekend I've been selected for the Great Britain team to head out to Las Vegas this coming November, which is great news if Hawaii doesn't go my way, but I'm not even thinking about, as I will qualify this year. Right, so back to the training, well sleeping I'm to bed as I've got work in the morning and 12 400ms on 6.15.

Nite nite.

Be safe, train hard as always.

Ed and Sarah