Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer 2011 - Naturally Run Better?!

Well, the Summer has been and almost gone. In the space of 7 weeks Sarah and I have been to South Korea (well I did that), the UK, a Take That concert at Wembley (well Sarah did that!), Paris to see my best mate ride from London to Paris, North Wales to see the Evans Clan, London and then back to the UAE and Dubai.

Training for Kona was a little difficult to be honest for a number of reasons in the UK. The main one being around people who want to train and encourage you to train by their example too. Don't get me wrong back in the UK our friends and family are super encouraging as to what I am trying to achieve, but and it's a big 'but' it has really displayed to me that in order to get the best out of your training you need to surround yourself with like minded people who are also trying achieve similar goals. Its really motivating and something I will never take for granted.

Another reason for a drop off in my training was the general public and their use of the local swimming pool. OML I'd forgotten how many times the 'fast' wasn't really the fast lane. This is fine and I can understand that we are all of different standards and we all started somewhere, but tbf people need to honest with what they can achieve and if someone is faster than they believe they are its far more complimentary to be asked to more up a group than it is to move down one to slow lane. Also what a shame no Masters swim groups in the Grimsby area where we were based, surely they are missing a trick there? Or maybe there just isnt the call for it.

I was super lucky to borrow a bike Paul Thompson Double UK/Triple European Ironman Champion (well it was actually his brothers Les Thompson) while I was back in Grimsby so I able to get some biking in around the Lincolnshire Wolds and it was great to ride in cool weather, stopping for coffee etc. In fact I only got caught in rain once, the first time in two years!

My running has been good and I was able to get in around 100km a week at a very steady state pace. This was good as it will all add to a good base and another plus was it kept my weight down, which in the past has increased in the UK, I feel due to the increase in carb based foods, the temperature (a slowing of metabolic rate) and a lack of good honest training.

So all in all I feel quite good now we've headed back to the desert. It was great to spend some time with my family. It was decent time too, not sat in front TV which everyone seems to do back home (only because TV here is pants!). My Dad and I built a greenhouse. It was bloody brilliant and I really enjoyed it, just like old times when I was a kid and it was great to share a beer with my Dad while their and our dogs played in the garden. Magic stuff, in this day and age you don't get much chance to do that sort of thing, as we're normally so busy, I loved it.

Sarah has also been busy she has once again done herself proud, sorting all of the flights and the condo for Kona. We are about 500m from Lava java the famous cafe that everyone goes to when they race Hawaii. Well done Sarah again!

I have been quite lucky too with regards to sponsors over the Summer. I've picked up GU and 2XU in Dubai via and I must say a big thanks to Richard there. GU is great, I've been using for a few years and they are now really pushing the research to develop some great products for endurance especially the roctane series. Mike Trees at TCL sports in the UK has also offered me deals with regards to Newton Running shoes and 2XU, so a huge thanks to him also. Newton are in my opinion the best trainers in the world. They promote a 'natural' running style and if you'd like any more info please shot me an email. Please believe the hype around these trainers and don't believe the disbelievers, as they really are so good that Mike offers a 29 day return policy if you're not happy with the shoes. There arent too many suppliers/retailers that offer that trust!

I'm also now a Newton Natural Running Coach, so I've got a couple of things I'm looking into doing here in the UAE. Maybe a website, maybe some free running sessions, maybe some technique sessions with Jason at our camps we do just to get the name out there - Naturally Run Better.

Let me know what you think as I'm always open to feedback and if you have any idea too, thanks.

So there you do go just the run into Kona, Hawaii and the Ironman World Championships now.

Bring it on as Bev on IMtalk would say like donkey kong.

Be safe,

Ed and Sarah

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